
Dentures and Removable Partial Dentures

Removable partial dentures are just what it sounds like. It is a denture, or a part of one, that is removable. Unlike a full denture, removable partial dentures (or rpd's) have clasps to help them grip the remaining teeth. This helps to secure the RPD so that is doesn't move around so much like a full denture.


There are two types of partial dentures

The more traditional partial denture has a metal frame to give the denture strength. The clasps are metal, and the framework does a pretty good job keeping the denture stable on the remaining teeth while you eat. The clasps sometimes show when you smile, however, depending on where the clasps are located.


The newer flexible partial is the more cosmetic option. The clasps are translucent pink, and they blend in with your natural gums much better than the metal clasps can. The downside in that the flexibility allows them to move around a bit more. These partial dentures are better for smiling than for chewing, but they can work well if you're not replacing too many teeth.


There are quite a few more nuances about both options, so if you are thinking about getting a removable partial denture, talk to Dr.Watson about your options.


Full Dentures and Dental Implants


Dr. Watson takes an old-school approach to making full dentures. Many clinics advertise "dentures in a day", but you'll be hard pressed to get a well-fitting denture at one of these clinics. It will take three or four appointments to get a denture at Hudson Bend Dental, but Dr.Watson's technique will give you the best chance of getting a good fit.


Unfortunately, sometimes a good fit is impossible. If you have lost too much bone over the years, the denture will never fit right. Dr.Watson offers implant services to help retain these poor-fitting dentures. Give us a call and schedule a FREE CONSULT to see if implants can help your denture fit better.