
Titanium dental implants can be used to restore single teeth or you can use multiple implants to support bridges. When many teeth need to be replaced, 4-6 dental implants are often used to support a 10 or 12 unit fixed bridge (all-on-four technique). The choice is very clear.Start smiling again.


Hudson Bend Dental is looking for a special patient to aid our marketing campaign. We would like to see good BEFORE/AFTER photo potential. If you are willing for your smile and video testimony to be used for marketing purposes, then call our office to take advantage of the special below.

cheap dental implant austin

How it works:

During your consult we will get an xray of your jaw to see in what condition your teeth and jaws are. We will go over your health history and listen to your dental goals. Once you accept treatment, we will fabricate a temporary set of teeth for you to wear during the healing stage. This will be your new smile for the next 6-12 months. During the surgical appointment, we will use local anesthetic (no IV sedation) and remove all the bad teeth, place bone where appropriate, and then place our 4-6 implants. The implants will need some time to heal, so you will need to maintain a soft diet for a while. After a few months, we will convert your temporary teeth to a temporary fixed bridge. This step is important to help the implants heal. It also allows us to double check all our measurements before we start making the final porcelain (ceramic) bridge. It will take about 5 appointments and about 2 months to make the final bridge, and then its smile time!


Hudson Bend Dental offers

Quality NOBEL BIOCARE implants at a fair price

same cnc-milled porcelain bridge like the other guys use

teeth on the same day as your surgery

Personal service that will make you want to refer your friends

One location. one team. one price.


Hudson Bend Dental does NOT have the following:

Expensive in-house lab

Expensive in-house lab technicians

Expensive advertising campaigns

Expensive facilities

Stock holders to keep happy

If these are important to you, feel free to see the expensive implant clinics.


OUR goal is to get you chewing while we save you money! What is YOUR goal?


The choice is very clear.


One location. one team. one price.


exam and all nec. xrays

all extractions for 1 jaw

at least 4 Nobel Biocare titanium dental implants

acrylic temporary bridge

cnc-machined ceramic zirconium final bridge

all post-op checks for 1 year





1. Is everything done in one place? YES

2. What implants do you use? NOBEL BIOCARE (best and most expensive! Do you want a Cadillac or a Kia?)

3. What is my final bridge made of? Ceramic (porcelain) not acrylic (plastic)

4. Do I get a backup bridge in case something happens to my final bridge? YES

5. Do I get a new smile the same day of surgery? YES


all on 6 before all on 6 after


all on 4 lowerall on 4 lower

Dr.GregWatson has placed hundreds of dental implants. For 2023, we want to give those big implant centers a reality check. Our goal is to be Austin's AFFORDABLE implant center.

clear choice dental implant

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